Baby Allen Journey

Bonney Lake, WA (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Baby Allen Journey

by Haley Allen

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $50,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $50,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Bonney Lake, WA (US)

Haley Allen is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hi my name is Haley, I have been diagnosed with PCOS and infertility.

I’m 29 and my husband Jon is 32

My husband and I got married in June 2020. During the Covid when everything was shut down. So we obviously had to cancel our dream wedding and do a small backyard wedding. After we got married we decided to try for a baby. After many many negative pregnancy tests and delayed periods, we had no idea it would be this hard to convince.
I finally went to see my OB. Where she then put me on progesterone to help induce a period and then eventually put me on two cycles of letrozole which ended up failing.

I then pleaded and begged with my primary care doctor to help me. He then referred me to to Seattle Reproductive Medicine.

SRM is where we found out because of my PCOS my eggs are not growing, that I have a hormone that has told my body that I have already ovulated when I really haven’t so then there is no reason for my eggs to grow.

They start me on letrozole again, and I went back a week later for an ultrasound to see if the letrozole had made any progress on my eggs and helping me ovulate. Unfortunately that ultrasound showed that the letrozole had failed.

The next plan was to up my dose of letrozole, I started taking that immediately. Then a few days later the genetic blood testing that was done had came back and that I had tested positive for some unknown genetic disorder. We were told to stop trying to convince till my husband got his genetic testing done. This felt like a gut punch. To me I felt and still feel like the universe is trying to say that I’m not suppose to me a mom.

A few days after that, we did a zoom follow up with the fertility doctor, to go over my husbands sperm analysis.

We were told that because my eggs aren’t growing, and his sperm count is low that we can not get pregnant on medicated cycles or IUI. That our only option is IVF.
That was our worst fear because of the cost.

All I have ever dreamed of was to be a wife and mom. And now I feel like many others where we have to fight to become a mom.

My side of the family had no problems getting pregnant. Now that it’s my turn to start a family I’m finding out it’s becoming a lot harder than “relaxing”

I just want my dream of becoming a mama to a little rainbow baby to come true.

Thank you for reading